Wow, I am sorry that it has taken me this long to finally write. America, I must say I do enjoy being back, and yes I miss Germany too :) There are always pro's and con's to living there and living here, but having my wife and two boys on my side, we could live anywhere and it would always be HOME!
God continues to teach me to wait upon Him, that I must admit is the hardest thing, but He has given us those promises that He will never leave us nor forsake us, that though it get's hard He is there, and that knowledge alone should bring my life peace and it does.
Since the last blog, somethings have changed, Anja has a part time job, I am working at Calvary Chapel South Bay helping out in their maintenance department, and in the process of trying to get hired on with the LAPD. Levi and Luca are doing great here, and God is protecting them. Just today Levi was on His bike coming home with a friend, Levi looked right,was getting ready to go, His friend goes on before him, Levi looks left as His friend is already in front of him on the street, when Levi sees a car, yells at his friend to stop but it was too late the car hits his friend. This friend of Levi's was ok, was not taken by the ambulance but I am sure that he is sore. God had his hand upon my boy and my prayers go out to this friend of Levi's
Luca is also doing very well, He got an A+ in school and was so excited and kept saying an "A+ my first one in my whole entire life"
We also have found a little house to rent on the same street as my parents, God is so good we were praying for a place to find in the same area as the boys school as to prevent too many changes. God hooked us up and Anja has done a wonderful job making it home.
Thank you so much for all your prayers as things change and God opens doors I will write,
Until then Redeem the Time, For His return is soon :)
Josiah, Anja, Levi and Luca