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photo by Powerhouse Museum Collection | via PhotoRee |
We so often take the simple things in life for granted, I was confronted with this yesterday. It was a Great Day even though the weather outside was rainy,cold,dark the Lord brought Sunshine into my day. I was nervous like I was getting ready for my first date, Got the boys off to school was getting ready and could not wait till 2pm came around, I was going to go visit My wife in the hospital. The nervousness I felt was also because I can't stand hospitals but also nervous because I did not know how I was going to handle seeing my wife laying there in pain hooked up to the monitors and such. I was praying the whole way there "Lord give me the strength to be her support"
I arrive at the hospital met by the friendly faces of all the nurses and doctors on their shift and I ask Where my wife is, they inform me she is upstairs so I take the elevator and arrive on the top floor to face a huge crowd of people all dressed up in suits and dresses mixed within the crowd a lot of doctors someone is speaking threw a microphone welcoming all the guest. The hospital is under construction and the top floor that I was on is the new addition they are having a party. I could not get through the crowd everyone was looking at me I don't fit in so I found a stair case to the back and ended up where I started. Their must be another way to get to my wife, I stop a nurse and ask How can I get to my wife another way I can't get through the crowd she tells me I can go the back way by using the emergency exit, I arrive finally to the floor where my wife was the nurses were waiting for me I knocked on the door and they came wondering why I didn't use the front door so I explained and they laughed knowing exactly what I meant. They led me into the room where my wife laid, her eyes closed hooked up to monitors, It was still in the room just the sound of the monitor monitoring her heart, I got closer to her bed my heart pounding, Anja moved a little open her eyes, she gave me a smile the best that she could and the very thing that I so often take for granted but in that moment was so precious and fulfilling her voice soft and quiet said "Hallo Shatz" translated "Hello Treasure" those words still ring in my head as I write this a Gift from God. I was able to spend the next 2 hours with her talking with her, the nurse informed me that she had not eaten anything yet it was 2pm about half way into my visit she asked if she could have something to eat and ate a yogurt and drank a cup of tee and asked for another: I left shortly after with a huge smile on my face and skip in my step of the faithfulness of Our God who answers prayers. That night God Blessed us again after dinner was over I took the trash out to return to Luca opening the door with a smile from ear to ear Mommy is on the phone, What Mommy is on the phone? walking into the living room to hear Levi and Luca talking with Anja a day after her surgery, her voice which I often to often took for granted hearing stronger then when I was there, listening to her telling the boys how proud she was of them, telling them she was ok and that she loved them, telling them that she had eaten more and was getting ready for bed and told them good night!
I got to thinking what else have I been taking for granted, Have I been taking the Voice of God for granted as well? Have I been taking for granted all that He has done for me and given me. God gave His only begotten Son that whoever would believe on Him should not perish but have everlasting life. Have I taken that for granted and am trying to have that and live in the world as well? I read of How when Adam and Eve hid in the garden it says there in Genesis 3:8 "And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day,..." Have I taken for granted that He the LORD God wants to spend time with me?
Oh that we all would come back to enjoy the simple things in life, as the voice of a loved one, the smiles on their faces the gentleness of their touch, Oh that we would come back to appreciate and cherish and await with anticipation the times we have with the Lord as He comes to walk with us in the garden in the cool of day He has given everything to have that time with you, He has made it possible through the blood of His Son that He can walk and talk with you forever, He has promised to be with you, to lead and instruct and guide you along your way here in life. Don't take it for granted.