Monday, May 26, 2008

Like Father, Like Son

Here we Go! If you remember one of my first blogs was me saying I can't wait to kajak with my boys and I placed there a picture of the Boy's in there sand made kajak's well here is Levi on Mother's Day paddiling around a pond at a friends house. He amazed me and I can't wait to get out with Him. We first started off with Him in the kajak with our friend and soon saw that He was able to paddle and handle the boat alone so we tried it and the rest is History, He was paddling around that little pond like it was no big deal like He had beend doing it for ever,I am looking into a class that we can take to learn saftey and the How To's of Kajaking. He keeps asking me to buy him one, What a great sport and one the whole family can do and from the rivers we can see parts of this wonderful world Our GOD has created that many just can't get too. So we will keep you all informed on How this little paddler is doing, Really can't wait to get out on the river with Him. Luca needs some more time to learn to swim but once He has accomplished this task this summer we will all be out on the river tearing it up.
Here is another video of Levi in the Kajak, He thought it was bumper boats :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cool videos:-)