Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I read a great verse today that just brought a whole different look at the Bible for me, Now you need to understand I knew this to be true, and I love the Word but this passage once agian just strengthened that love and I have taped a piece of paper to the front of my bible with this verse on it. The picture above just reminds me of all the promises the word of God is filled with for you and I.
But back to that verse that I have taped to the front of my Bible it is found in Deut. 32:47 Moses has just finished singing a song and says to all Isreal in verse 46 "Set you hearts on all the words which I testify among you today, which you shall command your children to be careful to observe-all the words of this law. and verse 47 jumped off the pages to me for it He says " For they are not meaningless words to you but they are your life"
The world around us and many christians today are discounting the Truth of the Bible, They say to you and I that they are meaningless they say what we thought to be truth is no longer truth we need to re-think it. I say No!
No to this way of thinking, No,to the thought that there is no absolute truth, There is absolute Truth. Jesus Christ is the WAY the TRUTH the LIFE, He is my hope, my joy, my all in all
His WORD, is not meaningless THEY ARE MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!

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